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Middle School Leadership - God's Beauty


Summer vacation has begun and as you begin to make plans, we hope many of your activities will be outdoors, perhaps in the mountains! The beauty you see around you is God’s creation put in place to inspire and take care of you! Watch the video and keep these important facts in mind:

  1. God is in all of nature. It’s one of the ways He communicates with you. You have seen that on our hikes. There are miracles of nature all around you.

  2. Nature is totally under God’s control! We can’t stop a hurricane or volcano! Only nature (God) can make them happen or stop.

  3. It is our responsibility to take care of nature. We have talked a lot about how to do this in our leadership meetings. Go out this summer and put what you’ve learned into practice!

  4. Spend time alone in nature (the forest, mountains etc.) talking with God.

You will find complete rest and peace in His creation.

Text us and tell us about your hike.

Yakima boys, remember you Zoom meeting this week.

We are looking forward to the time we can meet together in person!

Greg, Kathy, and Zach


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