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Middle School Leadership - Summer Activities


If school was in session it would almost be time for the last day of school. You would be looking forward to summer vacation. Well you still can......with some limitations. Here’s what you can look forward to depending on the virus:

Middle School Orcas Camp will be July 20-23. Many surprises in store plus swimming, jumping, hiking and of course great times of sharing. Don’t forget the talent show - start making your plan now!

You can go to the park walk or play ball IF you maintain social distance (at least 6 feet from everyone) and wear your mask.

How about a hike at Rimrock Lake - same restrictions as going to the park

Swimming? How about the hose or sprinkler in the back yard!

Instead of looking at this as a time of lost opportunities, look at it as a time of new and exciting opportunities.

For your devotion this week go to Acts 2 Chapter 2. Last Sunday was Pentecost Sunday. Read the chapter carefully and then think about how the Holy Spirit is with you and watching over you at all times. Think about the Trinity - this means God in three forms - God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit (with you now). We will be talking more about this in our zoom meeting - don’t miss it!

Have a great week - hopefully we will be meeting in person soon. We will meet outdoors, social distance 6 feet, with a mask!

Greg, Kathy, and Zachary


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